Development and Feasibility Testing of Digital Measurement Tools for the Height of Uterine Fundus


  • Mar'atu Mutiah Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
  • Diyah Fatmasari School of Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health Semarang
  • Sri Sumarni School of Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health Semarang



Background: Uterine Fundus Height (TFU) is an indicator for monitoring fetal well-being during pregnancy. So far, TFU measurements are still carried out manually with several weaknesses such as human error, takes a long time, and less efficiency, which requires new innovations. This study aims to develop a tool for measuring uterine fundal height by utilizing an artificial intelligence-based rotary encoder sensor to determine gestational age and estimated fetal weight.

Subjects and Method: This study used Research and Development (R&D) in the R&D stage with stages carried out at the Adem Ayem Clinic from January to February 2023. Expert validation testing and small-scale product trials. A total of 10 pregnant women were selected in this study, they were divided into two groups: (1) Five pregnant women using a digital TFU measuring instrument; and (2) Five pregnant women used a measuring tape. The dependent variables are uterine fundal height, gestational age and estimated fetal weight. The independent variable is a tool for measuring uterine fundal height. Differences in TFU in the intervention and control groups were analyzed using the Mann Whitney test.          

Results: Development of a tool for measuring uterine fundal height that provides feasible and valid results in measuring uterine fundal height and determining gestational age and estimating fetal weight.

Conclusion: Development of a tool for measuring uterine fundal height that provides feasible and valid results in measuring uterine fundal height and determining gestational age and estimating fetal weight.

Keywords: uterine fundal height, gestational age, estimated fetal weight, rotary encoder sensor, pregnant women.

Correspondence: Mar’atu Mutiah. Applied Masters Program, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health Semarang.  Jl. Tirto Agung, Pedalangan, Banyumanik, Semarang, 50239, Central Java, Indonesia. Email:


uterine fundal height, gestational age, estimated fetal weight, rotary encoder sensor, pregnant women


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How to Cite

Mutiah, M., Fatmasari, D., & Sumarni, S. (2023). Development and Feasibility Testing of Digital Measurement Tools for the Height of Uterine Fundus. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 8(6), 776–784.


