The Effect of Accupressure on Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Birth Delivery Pain in Pregnant Women: A Meta Analysis


  • Alfira Fitriana Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Agus Kristiyanto Faculty of Sport Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Hanung Prasetya Health Polytechnics, Ministry of Health Surakarta


Background: Nausea and vomiting in preg


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How to Cite

Fitriana, A., Kristiyanto, A., & Prasetya, H. (2021). The Effect of Accupressure on Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Birth Delivery Pain in Pregnant Women: A Meta Analysis. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 6(3), 365–375. Retrieved from


